It baffles my mind to think how many different projects, ideas, directors careers have been started from the greatest saga in movie history. Some have been bad, but most have been great. Thank you for coming back for 12 days of Star Wars and hope you enjoyed it.
In the spirit of Christmas Tech Guy Ted and Jimmy the Gun will be bringing the 12 days of Star Wars. Sit back and watch both sites for a new post every day for 12 days starting December 1, 2008.
If you are looking into getting a Blu-ray player and don't have the money to buy the best player on the market, the PS3, then you should look no further than this deal. The reviews are pretty good and for the price you can't find anything cheaper. With the $100 in coupons to use on some movies you can look at it like a Blu-ray player for $99. Of course the coupon book could be $5.00 off a movie which would make you buy 20 movies from Best Buy and that is how they are subsidizing the price so take that as a warning.
I don't know if you have been watching Saturday Night Live this season, but in my opinion the writing has been some of the best I have seen in years. The ratings are up and with the performances of Tina Fey playing Governor Palin you need to be watching SNL. Sorry to the folks in the Great White North that can't watch Hulu, but hopefully you are watching the show.
I was given this link the other day and finnally had time to watch and I have to say that it is some pretty funny stuff. If McCain could have shown this side of him in the debates, he might not be as down in the polls right now.
I watched this episode last night and their take how George Lucas & Stephen Spielberg handled Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is how a lot of people felt watching it, but did not want to talk about. Genius. Watch the full episode here.
After seeing this commercial I almost want to get another Audi when my lease is up in December. Anyone know who sings this song. I think it is the reason I am drawn to the car.
This video is a set of clips of different interviews with David Letterman before he went on to CBS to do The Late Show. It may be that I am going to see Conan O' Brien in a week and a half that has me all interested in this sort of thing, but if you have 51 minutes and you like late night shows grab a bag of popcorn and a beverage and sit back and enjoy.
Thanks to my local NBC affiliate Channel 3 signal going dead after 21 minutes of the show, I had to watch my season premiere of The Office on I decided to post it on here if you too missed out too.
I was addicted to the show 24 a few years ago and then missed season 6 and last year the writer strike canceled the show. Now Jack Bauer returns and this time he is taking care of South Africa, so program your TiVo. (Update) This will be a special 2 hour TV movie to get you ready for Season 7 that will start in January.
Almost everyone I know is getting a Wii and it is still hard to find the system in most stores. The other day I was at Best Buy checking out Wii games with both of my nieces and they were showing me different games they wanted and I noticed a few others that were cheap at $20. Did I say a few others, there were tons of crappy looking cheap games and the first thing that came to mind was the gaming crash of the early 1980's.
The main reason for this crash in the early 80's was the flood of crappy low quality games and multiple systems with everyone trying to make a buck and the industry wouldn't be what it is today without the Nintendo NES coming out in 1985 and becoming very popular by making good quality games and saving the day. I never had a ColecoVision, Intellivision, or Atari system, but a friend of mine down the street had one and I remember how bad the games were. Just check out this game, classified by many as one of the worst games of all time.
See, I told you it was bad. Nintendo is on a roll and making a lot of money with the still hard to find Wii, but I am just hoping that the Wii does not create the same problem and make people stop buying Nintendo products. I really like Nintendo for all that they have done over the years, eventhough I do find myself playing the Xbox 360 and PS3 more because of the HD graphics and I know they both have bad games, but seriously, not as many that are on the Wii.
After I starting writing this I found this chart through Google. It contains the average ratings of game reviews on all of the most recent systems. Wow, exactly what I observed by browsing though the BB aisles, but most consumers aren't as observant as I am so once again the game makers better change something before they do figure out what is going on. Here is what you can do, go to Metacritic to find out the average score for a game before you buy it, maybe if everyone can get their friends to do this also, then the game makers will figure it out and stop flooding the market with these lower quality games. [metacritic]
Saw this last night during the NFL season opener and thought it was pretty funny. I hope Microsoft can open their eyes and make their products better than what they have been doing lately. Some may call me a Mac Fanboy, but I still enjoy clever marketing and this commercial did just that by its pure genius of putting Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld in a commercial together.
David (my commenter) - I think they have good chemistry together. But then again, I am a huge Seinfeld fan and my opinion might be skewed a little.
Also, regardless of what this commercial does for the product name exactly doesn't matter. It is causing an uproar and at the end of the day good publicity, bad publicity anything will make people remember. To the common consumer, which these commercials are directed towards; will remember Microsoft and that is pure GENIUS.
No wonder why I have Tivo on the brain. First I see that Tivo released the new HD XL and now I read that DirecTV and Tivo are developing a new box that will be released in the second half of 2009. I loved my HR10-250 and was very disappointed when DirecTV went to a generic DVR.
Google has added a new weapon to their arsenal of apps. It is a lightweight internet browser called Google Chrome. I have only been using Google Chrome since yesterday but I wanted to let you what my initial thoughts were. So far it is running fine for me and does everything it should, but I haven't figured out how to print something (probaly hiding from me). The funny thing is that it is different than any other browser I have ever used and yet I find it simple. Now all Google needs to do is sell a cheap and small computer that runs this browser and you pretty much would be set with Gmail and Google apps for word and excel.
Apparently there is some glitch in Tiger Woods 09 that someone video taped and posted on Youtube. What does EA and Tiger Woods have to say, well it wasn't a glitch, he's just that good.
This week you save $5.00 on 1600 Xbox LIVE points at Target. That means you can go get Braid for $11.25 from the LIVE market place. This sale price ends Saturday August 16th, so what are you waiting for.
I saw The Dark Knight again tonight, and I am beginning to think it is in my top 3 movies of all time. According to Yahoo Movies as of 8/7/08 cape crusader has brought in over $415 million dollars and it breaking all kind of records. I am hoping that it takes a certain movie out of the top spot of all time since it does not belong there. I'll go out on a limb and say that I saw that certain movie once, and I don't know anyone who saw it more than once. How could it have made $600 million in the USA. HOW? I still to this day think it was some sort of conspiracy. How does the love boat take out the dark side. HOW? Well, here is what needs to happen, everyone needs to go see one of the best movies of all time The Dark Knight at least 3 times. The time for a new #1 movie of all time that really deserves that honor is now.
The title suggest that this ad is focusing on the PS3 as a Blu-ray player, but the way I see it is how to get a free PS3. By purchasing a large number of Blu-ray titles and leaving the game machine on the floor the father and son team confuse the clerk and get away easily. Just look at the way they are running away from the scene of the crime. LOL.
The creators of this video took the popular game of Portal and mixed it with the eye candy game of Mirror's Edge. For those of you that don't know these games I posted Mirror's Edge a few months ago and you find it here. Portal is the other game that you find here. Very cool if you ask me.
This is the kind of gaming I want to see on the iPhone. Of course the big N would never compromise their portable gaming market, but seriously, if Nintendo would make a new Gameboy that used this concept I would buy it.
When I first saw this preview of the game I thought that it looked like another interesting Playstation Network (PSN) game. In this game you are the the last guy to save everyone. You need to go around the city and find people and take them to the safe zones while trying to avoid the zombies. The screens are actual HD pictures of big cities and then they add the game elements to that. Sounds promising.
Then today I see this video of the developers in their studio. They are too funny and their pet puts this video over the top. I am for sure buying this game when it comes out and you should too. It will probably sell for $9.99 and will be out soon (probably tomorrow).
I don't care how many times that room was cleaned, what is this woman thinking, and I sure hope they paid her lots of money too. This is just wrong and I am posting it. lol. Maybe I should find one of those videos where dateline filmed the maid cleaning the coffe pot with the same rag that was used on the toilet. Maybe then this lady will realize what a mistake she made.
It looks like Star Wars - The Clone Wars animated feature will be the first Star Wars movie to be released on Blu-ray. Here is a snap shot taken from Netflix. Usually most movies that have not been released will say DVD unless they know it is coming to Blu-ray. Now I am really excited. I started to do some digging and found this on the amazon uk site. I hope it sells really well and then Lucas will see that people want his movies in HD on Blu.
I forgot to show this game off last week when I got it. The game is called PixelJunk Eden and it is a PSN game available on the PS3. I didn't shoot it with a digital camera, embedded in the game is a recorder function that you can upload game play directly to youtube. I see a lot more games doing this in the future, since most people that play games like to show off what they have done.
I got an email notifying that I won Sixth place in the Xbox 360 GTA IV Sweepstakes. At first I was like cool, but then I didn't remember signing up. The next thing I did was to Google it and found this page and started to read what prizes 1-5 were and that is when I said WTF.
Fifth Prize 1,600 Microsoft Points. Approximate Retail Value (ARV) of Fifth Prize: $20.00. Sixth Prize: A one (1) month Xbox LIVE Gold subscription. ARV of Sixth Prize: $7.99. Seventh Prize: A three (3) month Xbox LIVE Gold subscription. ARV of Seventh Prize: $19.99. Eighth Prize: A one (1) year Xbox LIVE Gold subscription. ARV of Eighth Prize: $49.99.
Wait a minute fifth is worth $20, sixth is worth $7.99, seventh is worth $19.99 and eigth is worth $49.99. WTF. But really I suppose I can't complain for the fact that I never win anything. Too Funny....
This product looks amazing and when it comes out I will want to coat all of my electronics. The video is not the best made, but it gets its point across by showing you that you can drop your electronic device in water and it still works.
There have been lots of rumors of Netflix coming to either the PS3 or Xbox 360. Now it is official it will be on the Xbox 360 and here is a video to show how it works. I wonder if they have a long term exclusive or just a short period of time because the PS3 would like some of this too. The only downside is that it won't be here until fall when the new dashboard is installed. I can't wait.
Go see The Dark Knight for it will be the biggest film of the summer. If you are lucky enough to have a chance to see it on Imax, then treat yourself because there is over 35 minutes of footage shot on Imax film. If you aren't lucky then you can wait for the Blu-ray version that will be out by Christmas and it will include the Imax cut.
Remote, you can control your iTunes or Apple TV from your phone just by clicking on title. Really Cool.
Pandora, works just like you were using it on your computer. Just create a free account online and start making play list by either song title or band name. It even works over Edge. Nice.
Shazam, just downloaded it today and so far it has named every song I have thrown at it. Basically all you do is turn this app on when your listening to a song on any device and it listens and then tells you what song it is. Amazing.
BoxOffice, want to know what movies are playing and see the rating, then go no further. Sweet.
AOL Radio, not a big fan of AOL, but this app is pretty cool. Miss that station you use to listen to when you live there, well if it is online then good chances you can listen to it here or no matter where in the country you are.