Sunday, September 07, 2008

Nintendo Wii - My Fear

Almost everyone I know is getting a Wii and it is still hard to find the system in most stores. The other day I was at Best Buy checking out Wii games with both of my nieces and they were showing me different games they wanted and I noticed a few others that were cheap at $20. Did I say a few others, there were tons of crappy looking cheap games and the first thing that came to mind was the gaming crash of the early 1980's.

The main reason for this crash in the early 80's was the flood of crappy low quality games and multiple systems with everyone trying to make a buck and the industry wouldn't be what it is today without the Nintendo NES coming out in 1985 and becoming very popular by making good quality games and saving the day. I never had a ColecoVision, Intellivision, or Atari system, but a friend of mine down the street had one and I remember how bad the games were. Just check out this game, classified by many as one of the worst games of all time.

See, I told you it was bad. Nintendo is on a roll and making a lot of money with the still hard to find Wii, but I am just hoping that the Wii does not create the same problem and make people stop buying Nintendo products. I really like Nintendo for all that they have done over the years, eventhough I do find myself playing the Xbox 360 and PS3 more because of the HD graphics and I know they both have bad games, but seriously, not as many that are on the Wii.

After I starting writing this I found this chart through Google. It contains the average ratings of game reviews on all of the most recent systems. Wow, exactly what I observed by browsing though the BB aisles, but most consumers aren't as observant as I am so once again the game makers better change something before they do figure out what is going on. Here is what you can do, go to Metacritic to find out the average score for a game before you buy it, maybe if everyone can get their friends to do this also, then the game makers will figure it out and stop flooding the market with these lower quality games. [metacritic]

[reference wikipedia]

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