Friday, September 05, 2008

Shoe Circus - Jerry Seinfeld and Bill Gates

Saw this last night during the NFL season opener and thought it was pretty funny. I hope Microsoft can open their eyes and make their products better than what they have been doing lately. Some may call me a Mac Fanboy, but I still enjoy clever marketing and this commercial did just that by its pure genius of putting Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld in a commercial together.


David (my commenter) - I think they have good chemistry together. But then again, I am a huge Seinfeld fan and my opinion might be skewed a little.

Also, regardless of what this commercial does for the product name exactly doesn't matter. It is causing an uproar and at the end of the day good publicity, bad publicity anything will make people remember. To the common consumer, which these commercials are directed towards; will remember Microsoft and that is pure GENIUS.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


This ad has already carved a niche for itself as one of the biggest jokes in IT history, alongside Vista and Bill Gates himself.

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