Remote, you can control your iTunes or Apple TV from your phone just by clicking on title. Really Cool.

Pandora, works just like you were using it on your computer. Just create a free account online and start making play list by either song title or band name. It even works over Edge. Nice.

Shazam, just downloaded it today and so far it has named every song I have thrown at it. Basically all you do is turn this app on when your listening to a song on any device and it listens and then tells you what song it is. Amazing.

BoxOffice, want to know what movies are playing and see the rating, then go no further. Sweet.

AOL Radio, not a big fan of AOL, but this app is pretty cool. Miss that station you use to listen to when you live there, well if it is online then good chances you can listen to it here or no matter where in the country you are.
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