Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Hot Fuzz

I don't know if you went out to see Hot Fuzz (from the guys that brought us "Shaun of the Dead" and the fake trailer "Don't" during the "Grindhouse" previews) this past weekend , but I am personally recommending for you to go see it immediately. It did considerably well, for the fact that it only played on 825 screens it brought in $5.8 million and has already brought in over $48 million overseas. With those numbers it will probably be go to a wider release this week. This weekend pass up Next (Worst actor ever), Kicken' It Old School (don't know what to say about that one) and see Hot Fuzz.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

The Landlord

What do you get when you mix Will Ferrel with some crazy hair, a SNL writer, and a cute 2 year old girl. Probably the funniest 2 minutes of your life, no seriously, it is so hilarious.

[click on the picture]

Saturday, April 14, 2007


As many of you may not have gone out to see the new double feature movie by Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino, but I have to say go see it. What these two directors do is make movies the way they were intended to be made, for pure enjoyment and to escape reality. I was quite shocked when I saw it on opening night at 8pm and the theater was more than half full. Then I saw it again on Saturday with another group of buddies at the same time and the theater put it in a small auditorium and it still wasn't full. I don't get it, yes it may have a run time of over 3 hours, but you are getting 2 films for that $10 you paid at the door. It can't get better than that with Hollywood pumping out movie after movie with lots of junk in the middle. They wonder why ticket sales are down, well, they keep charging more and more money and pump out 6 new movies in one weekend and expect people to see them all. By putting out those numbers how do expect a movie that more people should see to have time to see it. That is enough ranting, go see Grindhouse on the big screen before it taken out by more new releases next weekend. Once it is out of the theaters then you will have to wait for the DVD and then you will have to pay for each movie separately.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Star Wars on Blu-ray Announced

We can only hope, not just for fans, but the future dominance of Blu-ray that the Star Wars Saga be released on Blu-ray soon. It's for sure that we will see Star Wars on Blu-ray because 20th Century Fox is one of the backers of the format, but the question is when. I have seen what Star Wars can look like in HD after seeing it on HBO HD. I know lots of hard core fans would go out and buy a Blu-ray player to have the ultimate collection in High Definition. I can see 20th Century Fox putting a hefty $199 price tag on a 6 - 7 disc set and I can see lots of fans forking out the dough to have the ultimate collection even though most of them have spent hundreds of dollars on previous VHS, Laser Disc, DVD collections. Here are a couple of the requirements to entice these potential buyers: 1. Episodes 4, 5, and 6 to be released with both the remastered with no special edition additions (meaning we would like to have Dolby Digital sound, excellent picture quality and be THX approved) and also the special edition version to satisfy both fans and George Lucas. 2: A seventh disc with all of the special features that have been put on any format, being VHS, Laser Disc, or DVD. Sony should get creative with this project by not charging 2oth Century Fox any licensing fees or some kind of incentive to get them to put in on Blu-ray as soon as possible. I don't know what needs to be done, but someone needs to take charge.