Thursday, December 29, 2005
Return of the Jedi

Saturday, December 24, 2005
Merry Christmas
I would like to wish all of my readers all 4 of you a Merry Christmas. I am taking on the family gathering this year. This will be the first time that I will be having my whole family over for a Holiday Turkey dinner. I chose to fry my turkey, so you will find out next week if it went smooth. Again, Happy Holidays and hope you have a great weekend.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
It's a Wonderful Internet
You have to watch this, it is a modern day take on the It's a Wonderful Life. Make sure you move your mouse over each picture to find all of the hidden treasures, and then pull the tabs on each picture. [View]
Thank you, Internet.....Oh and thank you Al Gore [Click here after viewing site].......
Thanks Bob!
Thank you, Internet.....Oh and thank you Al Gore [Click here after viewing site].......
Thanks Bob!
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
XBOX 360 Limited Time Offer

If you are made of money and you wanted a XBOX 360, but did not want to spend over $5,000 for one on eBay, then you might want to check out this offer. Game Stop online is selling two different kits, a Steel kit for $999.86 and a Titanium kit for $1499.77. I did not spend the time to calculate if they are ripping people off, but it looks like you get what you pay for. The Steel kit comes with 7 games, extra wireless controller, and a couple of strategy guides. The Titanium kit comes with 15 games, 2 extra wireless controller, remote control, and the same strategy guides. This offer won't last long, so if you need it then shop fast.
Buy Steel kit ($999.86)
Buy Titanium kit ($1499.77)
Friday, December 09, 2005
Knight Rider

Well, if you were a fan of the old TV show Knight Rider, and you are on the go, then you might want to pick up a new iPod Video and buy Knight Rider from iTunes. Yes you heard me right, Knight Rider the classic NBC show is available for download via iTunes Music Store. I think this will get real popular, you know $1.99 for a classic show where a grown man talks to his car, you can't beat that. [Buy]
Apparently those Germans love David Hasselhoff a lot, I found this looking for a sweet picture to use for this blog, they made a Knight Rider game for the PS2. [view]

Friday, December 02, 2005
Broken Lizard's Puddle Cruiser

Friday, November 25, 2005
World's Ugliest dog died

Friday, November 18, 2005
Gaming Grandma

Apparently you can never be too old to play video games. Watch this video to see what I mean. What is that magazine she is reading, the one and only EGM where my little sister works. Thanks Mel [view]
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Monty Python and the Holy Grail

One of my favorite movies of all time deadly rabbit is ready to eat the flesh off your bones. Look at the TEETH on that thing, there HUGE! What it's just a bloody rabbit. [Buy Now]
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Bing Bong Brothers
Boy band goes wild video, I have no clue what to say about this one. One thing for sure is they have cool mustaches. They must be cool. [view]
Eddie Guerrero 10/9/67 - 11/13/05

It is a sad day for WWE fans, as one of their hero's Eddie Guerrero died Sunday of heart failure. He used to have drinking and drug problems and was sober for 4 years. All of that combined with his hard training and work schedule just was too much for his heart. I used to watch it back when I was a kid and quite a few years ago when it was still WWF. I know he will be missed amongst the wrestling community.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Friday, November 04, 2005
Short film shot with a digital camera
I was cleaning up my favorites and came across this short film that I found a while back shot with a Canon EOS 20D digital camera. Each frame is just a single shot that was put together using Sony Vegas Video 5. [enjoy]
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Star Wars Episode III
What else do I have to say other than go out and buy it on DVD Today for $14.99 at Best Buy! Of course they will probably come out with all 6 movies in some special set soon, but you know you will have to buy that too. Then the Blu-ray Disc HD version will be out in a few years and we have to buy that version also, while George Lucas just sits back with a martini in hand. [more info]

Wednesday, October 26, 2005
My Pepsi Buddies
I know that there is no other cola that you will touch, so here is something that you may want to show off your loyalty to Pepsi. The Pepsi Vintage Style Vending Machine available at Costco.com. [more info]
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Seinfeld Season 5 & 6
What the "Bleep"
What the "Bleep" is this you might ask. It is a British kids program that hopefully never made it on TV. Warning there are lots of sexual innuendos, but it is pretty funny. [VIDEO]
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Addicted to Zelda
I need to come out and say that I am addicted to Zelda. It all started back in 1987 when I was at my buddies house for the weekend, he little brother had this system called the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). He was playing a game called The Adventures of Zelda. I asked if I could play and he made a character with my name and said here. I fell in love it so much that when I came home I wanted to go and buy a NES. I counted my money and waited to have the right amount to go and buy the NES system and Zelda. I never had a game console prior to this other than a Commodore 64 that we got rid of in 1985. In 1991 the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) came out and I heard that Zelda A Link to the Past was coming out for that system. It was time to upgrade and get the new system. That game was amazing with 16 bit graphics and stereo sound. I quickly fell in love with and beat it, this system turned out some great games. Then I started working and I didn't have time to play and the system and all of the games got boxed up and put up in my closet. I unfortunately sold the whole system to one of my employees. I look back now and wish that I would have never sold that system. Quite a few years passed and I didn't think or play Zelda and life was good, I thought, the PS2 came out in 1999 with a lot of people wanted the system, but only so many systems were made. My sister in law new someone at Toys R' Us and she helped me get a system. I quickly got into the swing of playing games again, no Zelda, but the Grand Theft Auto series kept me entertained. My brother gave me a NES with 10 games one being Zelda of course and I played it for long time. Then a year and half ago, I started playing Halo with some buddies and I picked up a XBOX and I played some good games, but nothing compared to Zelda, then a few months ago I started playing Zelda A link to the Past and it all came back to me. I started looking on Ebay and tried to find the perfect SNES and found one with 4 games. I quickly ordered Zelda A Link to the Past and Contra III. I loved that game that I started looking at every Zelda game made. I found a Zelda Special Edition disc for the Game Cube that included Zelda, Zelda II, Zelda: ocarina of Time, and Zelda: Majora's Mask, so I bought a Game Cube from Nintendo. I then picked up Zelda: The Wind Maker and then picked up The Game Boy player that connects to the bottom of the Game Cube to play Zelda: The Minish Cap. This is when I decided that I was addicted to Zelda. I love this new game The Minish Cap. I played it for 2 hours last night and I just can't put it down. I recommend if you are a Zelda fan, go and get a Game Cube/ Game Boy player port, a Game Boy Advance/Micro, or Nintendo DS and buy this game. It is so much fun. So if you lost count of how many different Zelda games I have the tally is 9 Zelda games with 3 different ports of A Link to the Past. Yes, I am addicted to Zelda.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005
South Park

"Why did our captain tell us all to meet here in single file fashion.........................Oh crap!!!"
This is a gif of some game play from war game or something, looks like team red was lined up for something and team blue had wheels and couldn't pass up the opportunity. Funny in a sick kind of way. If you know any more details of this, put them in my comments. Thx
[Check it out]
This is a gif of some game play from war game or something, looks like team red was lined up for something and team blue had wheels and couldn't pass up the opportunity. Funny in a sick kind of way. If you know any more details of this, put them in my comments. Thx
[Check it out]
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Batman Begins on DVD

After the last two Batman movies, I didn't think that a good Batman movie would ever rise. I am glad to say that Batman Begins totally redeems itself for a franchise. Christian Bale does a fantastic job of playing our bat friend fighting for Gotham City. After you buy Batman Begins and if you like Christian Bale, you should rent The Machinist. You will be thinking how an amazing actor he is after seeing that movie. A little weird but just amazing that he lost like 60lbs to play that character. Well, amazon.com has Batman Begins 2 disc set for $15.98 go out and get it Tuesday. [more info]
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
New iPod video player

Saturday, October 08, 2005
Frank Hannon Band concert

Last night I went to see The Frank Hannon Band in concert for their CD release party in Sacramento. Frank Hannon is the lead guitarist for Tesla. Frank had a couple of his Tesla band members come up and perform a couple of songs including Jeff Keith, lead singer from Tesla, and bass player Brian Wheat. I am not really the biggest fan of genre of music as much as my room mate, but I would have to say that Frank put on quite a show and this is the second time I have seen him and I would go again. He is quite the performer and keeps his band on their toes by going off on these weird tangent guitar solo and expect his band to keep up with him. The three of them seemed to be having just as much fun as the crowd and that is what made it so entertaining.
[more info]
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Darth Vader costume
Well, if you want to look your best this Halloween or just any day of the week you will need to get the Star Wars Darth Vader Collector's (Supreme) Edition Costume and it is on sale right now for $800.00. It is an official license product, so authenticity should be at its highest level. more info
[via uncrate]
[via uncrate]
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Nintendo Revolution controller

I feel that Playstation and XBox game makers are just looking for the next dollar and have abandoned the art of a good game. I just got a Super Nintendo off of eBay and reliving my childhood memories with great games like Zelda, Super Contra and Super Mario Brothers. I love current gen games like the GTA series and the graphics of latest systems, but we need games that are more in depth and more creative. If you would like to see more photos of the controller and the Nintendo Revolution click here.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Why we have seat belt laws
***Warning*** kind of disturbing***
If you would like to see what can happen to you if you don't where a seat belt, then click here.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Steve Ballmer video selling windows 1.0
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Runner up to Leroy Jenkins video
Check out this video of some dorks role playing Everquest in their backyard. Apparently their internet connection was down or something that day, so they decided to go out and play it in real life. WOW fun stuff, and the lightning bolt effects are a nice touch.
Everquest Role Playing Video
Everquest Role Playing Video
Friday, September 16, 2005
i love it
My white iPod Nano arrived safely today. i ordered it late Monday night and it was shipped directly from Shenzhen, China, since i took advantage of the free engraving option. It shipped Wednesday and it got here in 2 days, crazy if you ask me. i just have to say that this will be one of the top 3 most wanted gift this holiday season, if not the most wanted. iT is so small and did I say tiny. iT only weighs 1.5 ounces and has a color screen that looks brilliant. i have seen photos of it taken apart and the hard drive is no bigger than a couple sticks of gum folded in half. i am just amazed and don't know what else to say, but to go and get one for yourself.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Help me decide
I want to get a ipod nano, help me choose a color, black or white. Leave your choice in the comments. Thanks, i'm in s.f.
Update: Yikes, went to both the S.F. and W.C. stores and they both were sold out of the 4 GB model
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
My geeky Prediction
With the integration of Quicktime 7 in iTunes 5, I am predicting that a iPod Video is close. I am hoping for one at the Apple Expo coming up later this month in France, but maybe by Christmas. I think the iPod Photo has the capability right now and all it needs is a software upgrade.
iPod Nano, ROKR iTunes Phone, iTunes 5

Apple released some new iPods today. The iPod Nano apparently replaces the Mini, comes in black or white with 2 GB ($199.00) or 4 GB ($249.00). The ROKR($249.00 with a 2 year contract) iTunes cell phone from Cingular plays iTune songs off a microSD card.
(Thanks Ali, I tried to post this earlier)
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Try it free for 30 days

Apple is offering anyone who is interesting in getting a Mac Mini a money back offer. The offer is basically you buy a Mac Mini and after 30 day trial period you may return if you are not satisfied with no questions asked. Kind of cool. Go here if you would like to take them up on that offer.
Update: Apple cancelled this offer after only 1 day.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Google Talk

It is official, Google started their version of the popular IM (Instant Messenger) today. It is in Beta but if you have a Gmail account, just download the software and log in with your Gmail account. Simply add new contacts by looking through your contact list from Gmail. My buddy Jer and I were hoping that it would be called GIM, but oh well. Go here if you would like to download it, or send me an email or comment if you don't have a Gmail account, I can send you an invite.
mobiBLU MP3 Player

The iPod shuffle may have a new contender on the block, meet the mobiBLU DAH-1500i Cube MP3 player. This device looks very cool, it is a MP3 player that is only 0.94 x 0.94 x 0.94 inches square. Available in 5 delicious colors in both 512 MB $99 and 1 GB $129. It has a FM tuner that you can record and download to you computer and a OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) screen. Battery life is noted at 8 - 10 hours. It is only available in the through Wal-Mart.
Buy Now - Walmart.com
More Info - mobiBLU America
Monday, August 22, 2005
Thursday, August 18, 2005
iPod Flea anyone
Check out this video of the iPod Flea. They are going to sell millions with the choice of so many colors.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Sin City DVD

The sensational, artistic, violent movie Sin City is available on DVD today. The cast includes Bruce Willis, Jessica Alba, Clive Owen and was co-directed by Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller. Pick up a copy at Circuit City for $14.99.
Thursday, August 11, 2005

That how much you have the fork over if you wish to buy this original crayon on paper drawing by Pablo Picasso on Costco.com.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Yatta! Anyone
My employee showed me this hilarious video of this Japanese band doing a skit on some talent show. Check it out! Funny stuff. Thanks Dex
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Tastefully Nasty!
Things in rubbers, if you think that you will be grossed out by just me saying that, then don't go and see this site. What else can I say. Click here!
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Apple Mighty Mouse

I know this came out yesterday, but I have didn't have time to put it up. This is the new mouse from Apple that will work on PC's too. Its design is so cool, it looks like a traditional Apple mouse, but the difference is that it has a right and left click. The most impressive thing is that the buttons are not normal click buttons, but touch sensitive, you just have to click on the area that they clicker would regularly be. It cost $49.00 and is available now. Apple Mighty Mouse
Monday, July 25, 2005
On vacation
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Optimus Keyboard
Friday, July 15, 2005
Denon AVR-4806

The Denon AVR-4806 is a A/V powerhouse with 140 Watts x 7 with THX Ultra 2 certification. It has tons of inputs 8 S-Video, 3 Component, 1 DVI, 3 HDMI, 5 Optical Digital, 3 Coaxial Digital, 2 IEEE-1394, XM Satellite antenna input. It has all of the sound fields you look for in a high end receiver THX Surround EX, Dolby® Digital EX, DTS-ES®, Dolby Pro Logic® IIx. The best feature is that automatically up converts any video input up to DVI or HDMI, which means you can input your old NES into the composite input and watch it on you HDTV through the DVI or HDMI cable. The Denon AVR-4806 retails for $3500.

Monday, July 11, 2005
Fun little game

I found this game called Levers surfing some of my other favorite sites. Objects fall from the sky and you just need to keep both sides out of the water. It can be beaten as I have seen. Have fun!
Happy Birthday Slurpee
Thursday, July 07, 2005
My favorite camera on Sale

Circuit City has my favorite digital camera on sale, the Nikon Coolpix S1. It is $341.99 after 10% off. This sale is only good online for 3 days. Free shipping, and save an additional $50.00 if you buy a HP printer too. Make your purchase soon.
Monday, July 04, 2005
Early 4th spectacle

This morning at 4:30 AM I was awoken to a car racing around squealing the tires around the turns. Well, my road got the best of the auto. All of the sudden I heard a loud crash and then no more squealing. I looked out my window and could see a fire. I quickly got up and heard the neighbor or one of the victims calling for an ambulance and a fire truck. I quickly woke my roommate and we up to see if we could help. As we walk to the scene we could hear the sirens. The fire department got there and started to put out the fire. Sorry the pic isn't the sharpest. It is hard to keep a camera still long enough in low light at 4:30 in the morning. Luckily the flames did not have any wind to blow them up the hill of dry brush and light up the whole neighborhood. Thanks to the fire department and no thanks to the two girls learning to drive. I think they were drunk, who drives fast around a neighborhood at 4:30 AM anyways, unless they are up to no good. One of them must have been under 18 since the neighbor heard her say "did you call my parents".
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
iPod Shuffle for $114.99*

Best Buy two-day sale is offering an iPod Shuffle for $129.99 (New low price) plus you get a free $15.00 gift card for your next purchase. Just click (Best Buy) and that will bring you to there web site, all you have to do is click both the shuffle and the gift card and check out, it will adjust the price to reflect a free gift card giving you a iPod Shuffle for $114.99. I have to say that at first I wasn't all that excited about my shuffle without a screen, but the size and what it does gets it a high mark in my book.
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Apple iTunes & iPod updates

Today Apple updated iTunes to version 4.9, the new version now includes podcasting. As for the iPods, the shuffle is still at 512 MB and 1 GB, but the 1 GB price is now $129.00. The iPod went to color screens available in the 20 GB $299.00, 20 GB U2 special edition $329.00, and the 60 GB $399.00. The iPod Mini did not change and still at 4 GB $199 and 6 GB $249.00.
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Maybe my last Star Wars reference
What do you get when you mix Jedi skills with lightsabers and a bunch of bad actors. Well, another Star Wars Spoof of coarse. My buddy Bob sent this to me and I think it is pretty funny. Just Click Here.
Friday, June 24, 2005
Email attachment to large?

I would like to thank my sister for opening my eyes to this handy little app. If you have a file that you want to send, but it is too large for your email, just go to this site and upload it and send the your recipient an email for them to download it. It's free and semi fast (upload is slow, but download is quick) and really cool.
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