Sunday, September 18, 2005

Runner up to Leroy Jenkins video

Check out this video of some dorks role playing Everquest in their backyard. Apparently their internet connection was down or something that day, so they decided to go out and play it in real life. WOW fun stuff, and the lightning bolt effects are a nice touch.

Everquest Role Playing Video


Jarrett said...

wow that is the saddest thing i've ever seen. but very funny!!!! and congrats on your baby iPod. I'm sure you'll make a great father.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, these kids should be tranquilized, tagged, and monitored 24/7 via GPS - for their own good, and ours.

And speaking of hilarious videos, I just found this old commercial for Windows 1.0.

Yeah, the guy in the commercial is actually Steve Ballmer, current CEO of Microsoft. He's a loon, and has a long history of quasi-psychotic behavior.