I know this came out a couple of weeks ago, but I am starting to get really excited about this one. This is the new controller for the upcoming Nintendo Revolution. I think this is one of the most innovative ideas any game company has ever done before. It has a gyro effect which detects motion and what you do with the controller will make your character do it on the screen. For instance in a first person shooter, if you wanted to walk forward you would tilt the controller forward. Of course it is wireless and it has an attachment jack at the base of the controller for add on peripherals. Will it sell more games, not really sure, but I sure hope so.
I feel that Playstation and XBox game makers are just looking for the next dollar and have abandoned the art of a good game. I just got a Super Nintendo off of eBay and reliving my childhood memories with great games like Zelda, Super Contra and Super Mario Brothers. I love current gen games like the GTA series and the graphics of latest systems, but we need games that are more in depth and more creative. If you would like to see more photos of the controller and the Nintendo Revolution
click here.
How does this system work
It works by magic! Ha. No, I'm kidding. It's equipped with spinning gyros (NOT the Greek sandwich wraps!). These gyros - they can cause cancer, or open wormholes to parallel universes. Kind of a gamble either way. Also, it has a low-maintenance positraction differential. I can't remember all the details. You'll have to use it to see what I mean. Anyway, the Nintento Revolution controller is pretty cool.
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