This morning at 4:30 AM I was awoken to a car racing around squealing the tires around the turns. Well, my road got the best of the auto. All of the sudden I heard a loud crash and then no more squealing. I looked out my window and could see a fire. I quickly got up and heard the neighbor or one of the victims calling for an ambulance and a fire truck. I quickly woke my roommate and we up to see if we could help. As we walk to the scene we could hear the sirens. The fire department got there and started to put out the fire. Sorry the pic isn't the sharpest. It is hard to keep a camera still long enough in low light at 4:30 in the morning. Luckily the flames did not have any wind to blow them up the hill of dry brush and light up the whole neighborhood. Thanks to the fire department and no thanks to the two girls learning to drive. I think they were drunk, who drives fast around a neighborhood at 4:30 AM anyways, unless they are up to no good. One of them must have been under 18 since the neighbor heard her say "did you call my parents".
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