Here I come NY, DC, and VA..... See you all when I get back.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Friday, May 25, 2007
John Rambo (Rambo IV)
Thursday, May 24, 2007
HD-DVD vs Blu-ray, Class for Dan Ray

Question: What kind of bear is best?
My last post got my American friend living up in the great white north to say, "You can buy a HD-DVD drive for your XBOX 360 for only $200. There's really no difference between HD-DVD and Blu-Ray, it's just a corporate thing." and " 720p is 720p and 1080p is something that normal people don't have the hardware to watch. I hate the Blue Ray / HDDVD dichotomy because it's stupid and I'm in favor of standards. It's all about advertising and money period."
Yes and NO. Yes, someone could go out and spend $200 for lack luster HD-DVD player and add it to there $399 Xbox 360 and then plug it into their TV with some component cables and get a maximum resolution of 1080i, and then buy HD-DVD's and be OK with that until a couple of years from now when they stop making the HD-DVD format movies and it is DIVX all over again. (DIVX was a format created by Circuit City and some investor lawyers back in 1998 which, the concept was: you were able to buy movies for $5.00 and you were allowed 24 hours to watch it, after placing it in your DIVX player that had a modem contacted servers to allow playback , before it became a coaster.) Let's just say that the format didn't even last more than a year and there were lots of people that had paid lots of money for the players and now had an obsolete box after DIVX called it quits. I can't say this battle will be as bad as the DIVX format war with DVD, but format wars are not good for anyone.
I have to say 720P (IMHO) looks really good, but if you have well trained eyes you can tell the difference from 720P to 1080P. This is especially true if you have a bigger TV. Here is something to think about, if you have a 19" monitor, you could run it at 1024 x 768, but why? Doesn't 1280 x 1024 just look better? As you get more lines of resolution the better the picture is going to look. No ifs, ands, or buts will change that. So when you say we “don't have the hardware” to see 1080P, I would have to say you’re wrong unless you were referring to a blind person.
Blu-ray is better because BD disc can hold 25GB per layer whereas HD-DVD only has 15GB per layer. That is about 8.5 hours of HD video on the BD and 5.1 hours on HD-DVD. Now, you are thinking that most movies are around 2 hours. Well why do lots of people buy DVD's? It’s because of the extras; how they made the movie, behind the scenes, etc. That is over 3 hours of extra footage that they could put on that disc. They can put on extra audio tracks. Currently Casino Royale has like 8 languages on the disc. When you have films like Pirates of the Carribean, Casino Royale, Pixar films, and Star Wars (someday) those films are money in the bag for the format.
Yeah in a sense it is all about that $, but we are trying to make a HD standard here. It’s just that two sets of companies have different ideas of what the standard should be. I will state the obvious statement of who’s is better. When you have 2/3rds of the big Hollywood studios (Disney, Fox,
Bottom line is, if you have never seen 1080P and you watch 720P on your computer screen, how can you say one or the other is the best? I double dog dare you to come by my place next time you are in town and I will show you what 1080P looks like.
Class dismissed.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Heroes Season 1 not on Blu-ray
Sunday, May 20, 2007
2007 Audi A4 - Safest Cars 2007
Friday, May 11, 2007
New Equipment in Crackdown
This game was already pretty cool, but now with the updates, it looks freakin' Awesome. (Did I just type freakin'.) Yep. Get this game for the Xbox 360 if you don't already have it.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Spiderman 3 - Bruce Campbell Maitre'd Cameo
By far one of the best scenes in Spider-Man 3. Hurry up before this is pulled off of Youtube. Bruce Campbell is the MAN.
Monday, May 07, 2007
Support Blu-ray: Sunday May 27, 2007
All of the major movie studios stand behind Blu-ray, the only big boy studio that is not is Universal. When I ran into Joe Carnahan (Narc, Smokin' Aces) a couple of weeks ago I told him to tell his people at Universal to support Blu-ray as for I would love to buy Smokin' Aces on Blu-ray. I know it probably won't do anything telling a big time director, but when they start supporting the format that I support, I will tell everyone that I told them to.