Thursday, May 08, 2008

GTA IV - My Review

(I started writing this last Friday & have updated anything that has changed)

Now that I have been playing Grand Theft Auto IV for the past week, I felt it was time to tell you what I think of the game. I know everyone and their uncle has reviewed this game, but I have played it on both the Xbox 360 and the PS3 and wanted to give my personal thoughts. I started with the 360 version after standing in line for a couple of hours Monday at midnight with a couple buddies (I think I was the oldest one in line). Of course I got home and played it for a few hours (didn't regret it, but I felt it at work the next morning). I immediately loved it just for the simple fact that it improved the things I always thought were problems in last 3 installments like for starters the graphics and a free roaming camera when your walking.

Game play - You play an Eastern European named Niko that has come to America to live the life that his cousin Roman told him so much about, but shortly after he arrives, he finds out that Roman was BS'n him big time. It is very simply a top notch game, my friend Justin and others think the driving needs to be updated with a patch for how loose they are, but I personally think that is the way it will be on the 360, as for the PS3 driving doesn't seem to have the same short comings. Anything goes in GTA IV, you can just drive around and people watch if you choose to do so, that is one of the things I enjoy about free roaming games. You can walk, drive any car, motorcycle, helicopter you see or just explore. What more can you ask for in a game.

Online - Online game play has been around for a long time on the PC front, but Xbox Live made it a necessary component for console gaming with the introduction of the Microsoft Xbox back in 2001. Since then online gaming has grown to be one of the most popular things to do while playing games especially with the next gen consoles, Xbox 360, PS3 and yes the Wii. Enough about the history of online gaming, I really need to tell you how it is on GTA IV, well for starters, in as few words as I can type it is simply amazing. I haven't played a lot of sessions of the online component, but spent over 4 hours one night with 2 buddies just checking out the entire city on the 360. I had a total blast just roaming the city while chatting it up with buddies. One person can drive while others can get in also as passengers. I have read that some guy thinks that GTA will be the most played online game soon (updated: it has taken the #1 spot on Xbox Live), to beat out Halo and Call of Duty 4, and I don't see why not, as for GTA, it has a larger appeal than your typical first person shooter. That PS3 seems to be the same thing, but I am waiting for my brothers to get their copy and other friends to get back into town to give it a true testing.

Xbox 360 vs. PS3 - Like most reviews have stated both versions look really good and play very similar, but I think the controls on the PS3 are a little more solid. I don't know if it is the Dual Shock 3 precision or if it is a coding thing, but for me when I play the PS3 version it seems that I have better control of the character and cars. The advantages of the 360 are the achievement points and the additional exclusive content that Microsoft paid $50 million for. The advantages of the PS3 are better controls and the city seems bigger by the raw power of the PS3 being able to draw more of the world faster. One other advantage of the PS3 is the reliability of the system, the 360 is getting better, but I still remember when I got the RROD (red ring of death). (Update: My PS3 version stopped working on Saturday, apparently this is only affecting a small portion of players and I did not get it going until late Sunday. I had to go through these 12 steps to get it going, but now I know to just log out, start the game and then log in if I want to play online and it works just fine) (Update: A patch was released and now everything seems to be working just fine.) For what system to buy it for would depend on what system you have and how many of your friends have that have the same system.

Overall thoughts - Like what everything I've posted for the past few months about how excited I was for GTA IV, Take Two spent the estimated $100 million very well on making one the best gaming experiences I have ever had. For starters I really like the main character and the story so far (Update: the story is top notch). Online is great and will indeed keep me coming back for some time. Both the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions are very comparable and recommend either one. Finally, all I have to say is if you like video games and want to experience one of the best games ever made (IMO) then you need to look no further than Grand Theft Auto IV.

(Also, I will try to add some pictures of both systems soon)

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