I don't know if you have been watching this Saturday Night Live this season, but after watching these skits, I am pretty confident that you will add it to you TiVo season pass. I know that SNL hasn't been that great in the past few years, reason being why I really haven't been keeping up with it, but this pass summer they hired a few new writers and hosts. It sure shows you how good a show can be with good writers.
This first video is for Mike & Toni's Chandelier Galaxy, my favorite part is when Scarlett Johansson says Look at this one, look at that one, look at this one, look at that one. Enough said go and check it out.
The second one is a rap video with Chris Parnell and Andy Samberg obviously having to much fun singing about a The Chronicles of Narnia and a bakers dozen. Check it out.

The last video is called Laser Cat's, which, apparently was filmed by Andy Samberg and Bill Hader on their own time and then brought it to Loren Michaels. Funny goofy stuff I tell you.
