Friday, February 25, 2005

Why choose Gmail for your Email

Just go here to read why Gmail is the better Email for you. I still have 50 invites to give out. I love it and I sure hope you do too. Send me an email if you would like one.


Saturday, February 19, 2005

Customize my iPod

I think that I want to paint my iPod with this service from It cost $49.00 for the custom paint job. Help me choose a color. Click on the color to see what it looks like and then choose the one you like in my online poll.
Candy Apple

What color should I choose?

Free polls from

10 worst album covers of all time

My buddy Justin sent me this link, it is pretty funny.

10 worst album covers of all time

Warning some of the album covers are pretty gay.

Like Kung Fu Movies

Then I suggest this one, check out both trailers and tell me which one you like more.

Ong Bak

Ong Bak

Friday, February 18, 2005

Mom's Recipe for Doughnut Holes

4 C. flour
1/2 C. sugar
2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. soda
1 tsp. salt
3 tsp. nutmeg
1 1/2 C. buttermilk
1/2 C. oil
2 eggs

Mix dry ingredients in a large bowl. Make an indention and add the buttermilk, oil and eggs. Mix well.Drop by teaspoonful into 375 degree oil. Remove when light brown. Drain on paper towels. Place powdered sugar or cinnamon sugar in a large ziploc bag and shake a few at a time while still warm.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Blogging is EASY!

I just want to welcome my buddy Jeremy to the Blog world. It is not a world full of geeks, dorks, or mentally insane people. Or is it? It is just something that anyone can do. I invite you to start your own blog. It can be about anything; you like to talk about what you do all day, ok, or even like to write short stories, or your favorite sites you enjoy. I am proving that it is as easy as writing an email, this blog is being written by in gmail account this very moment. Ok, the link part is a little more advance, but it is simple once you learn the code for that.

So if you would like to get started, here is where you can start.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Google is amazing!

There goes Google again, check out what you can do with Google Maps.

Google Maps

Monday, February 07, 2005

Lexar Jump Drive Durability

I just pulled out my clothes out of my dryer and began to put in the next load in, right before I closed the door something caught my eye. What did I see, but my Lexar Jump Drive, that means that it went into my washer and then dried in the dryer. I was real disappointed, since this was my life force for all of my files. I quickly checked it out and it seemed dry, I took it to my computer to see if I had a $60 piece of trash. To my amazement, it worked just like the first time. Just amazing, can't say that it will be the same for you, but I highly recommend one of these.

Lexar JumpDrive® Traveler USB Flash Drive

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Want a Gmail account

If you haven't already heard about Gmail, it's a new search-based webmail service that offers brought to you by GOOGLE:

- 1,000 megabytes (one gigabyte) of free storage
- Built-in Google search that instantly finds any message you want
- Automatic arrangement of messages and related replies into
- Text ads and related pages that are relevant to the content of your

Gmail is still in an early stage of development. But If you set up an
account, you'll be able to keep it even after we make Gmail more
widely available. We might also ask for your comments and suggestions
periodically and we appreciate your help in making Gmail even better.

If you would like an invitation, send me an email!

I already have 2 Winners

Just a reminder if you drink Pepsi, look out for these bottles with the free song contest from iTunes. I already have 2 winners, seems a little tougher, but nothing I can't handle. Good luck, but don't think about how it would be cheaper to buy the $.99 song than to spend $1.29 to buy the Pepsi.

Pepsi iTunes Music Promotion

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Big Kahuna Bacon Burger

WOW, what can I say about my meal last night. Most of you probably have not had a regular Big Kahuna Burger, let alone the Big Kahuna Bacon Burger. It is a sweet mix of burger, bacon, teriaki, and pineapple. I have to thank T3 and BP for this invention. Oh don't let me forget to mention the Teri-Q Mac & Cheese in the bowl. I hope you have one soon. That was delicious too. The albino coconut was not harmed during this photo shoot.

Thanks Geoff for the camera.